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Technical Associates (TA)

Technical Associates provides exceptional instrumentation for the detection and monitoring of radiation, chemical, and biological contaminants for a wide variety of industries including nuclear power, environmental air, nuclear medicine, and water monitoring. Water monitoring includes a diverse suite of instruments for a facility’s water intake and effluent, and the water industry in general, including water and wastewater treatment facilities, nuclear power effluent, and seawater monitors. Technical Associates has the world’s only real-time continuous Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Tritium in a water monitor capable of measuring at or below EPA/PAG level guidelines.

Technical Associates (TA) was founded in 1946 as a spin-off from the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Recognizing the advent of the nuclear age TA’s founders designed and built the first industrial-grade radiation detectors and monitors to safeguard the scientists building the world’s first atomic bomb. TA continues to excel in product engineering for radiation measurement and safety instruments for a diverse range of nuclear industry requirements; the result of over 70 years of dedication and commitment to exceptional radiation monitoring.

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