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Detecting Radiological, Biological and Chemical Threats with Drones

We’ve talked about the dull, dirty and dangerous jobs that drones are performing these days, but capabilities are now about so much more than making a task simpler or easier. UAVs can be utilized to detect radiological, biological and chemical threats to ensure the safety of countless people. Developments in this area are coming from places you might expect, and even from some you wouldn’t.

FlyCam UAV is a company known for capturing the amazing aerial images and video utilized in countless film and television productions, but their partnership with the US Nuclear Corp has allowed them to make an impact from the sky in a much different way. FlyCam UAV has launched the Cypher 6 and the NEO, which are designed for use with US Nuclear Corp's DroneRad aerial radiation detection system. DroneRad detects particles that contain radiation, and the UAVs can be used to provide data around where these chemicals might be present in various situations and circumstances. Full details are available via the press release below.

I’ll be looking to talk with FlyCam UAV at the Commercial UAV Expo to talk discuss further details about this product and what else they’re working on, and you’ll be able to stop by booth #614 and have that same option. Until then, I was able to get hold of Jeff Barnett, Operations Manager / Lead Pilot at FlyCam UAV to talk through a few details around The Cypher 6, NEO, DroneRad and more.


Jeremiah Karpowicz: Making the jump from film to nuclear power isn’t one I imagine many companies have made. Can you tell us how the opportunity came about?

Jeff Barnett: As you mentioned, our background is in aerial cinematography and photography. When we launched FlyCam UAV, along with aerial production, we wanted to also have a retail location to bring the amazing technology of UAV's to people in our local area. One day while in the store the CEO of U.S. Nuclear Corp. came in and asked us if it would be possible fly a nuclear sniffing sensor. Always up for a challenge to find new uses for UAV systems, we said yes and we were off and running.

We first did a "proof of concept" and flew the sensor using one of our medium lift quad copters, however we're really big on redundancy and decided one of our custom built hexacopters would be more suited to carry this particular payload as in the event of a motor or prop failure the system would not drop from the sky. At that point we moved the detection system to a redundant platform and the Cypher 6 came into play. The Cypher 6 proved to be a solid and reliable platform to carry the sensor, however it had one weak point which was the inability to fly in rough weather such as heavy rain, wind or snow. We found the answer to that problem with the NEO system which is all weather capable.


Had US Nuclear Corp's DroneRad aerial radiation detection system previously been used in any other context or situation? Or was it specifically made to be used on the Cypher 6 and NEO?

Previously both of the sensors we currently fly were utilized in a ground based application where an operator could possibly run the risk of radiation exposure. Having the ability to keep the operator at a safe distance from the threat was key.

Do you see this development changing the approach that officials are currently using to monitor events and sea ports for potential hazardous materials?

Absolutely. Having the ability to quickly deploy the DroneRad over any threat would certainly be an advantage for not only sea ports its other applications could be for first responders both police and fire departments as well as border patrol use and threat detection. Another good example would be a major sporting event or anywhere that large groups of people may congregate.


How do you see these products and advances impacting other industries and uses of UAV technology? What type of professional should take a closer look at these developments?

I feel anyone in law enforcement, border protection, fire departments, etc. should look closely at this technology. If there were a fire in a hospital with a nuclear medicine department, the DroneRad with the plume sniffer could be quickly deployed to fly through the smoke plume and sample the possible threat before sending in fire fighters. With the current climate and the constant threats of "dirty bombs" hidden inside of suspicious vehicles or ships, the DroneRad can quickly take to the air and investigate the possible threat keeping first responders at a safe distance while receiving real time data from the DroneRad to determine the type of material and the threat level it may contain thus informing the operator of what approach to take when addressing the threat.

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