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CALI From Above” TAKES OFF: US Nuclear’s Start-up Enters Huge New Market For Drones, Pilots, & Services



Los Angeles, CA. September 28, 2021 – US Nuclear’s (OTCQB: UCLE) new start-up company is Cali From Above and serves as a one-stop-shop for everything related to drones, thus entering the fast-growing, multi-billion-dollar drone dealer market.

Cali From Above’s main products and services include:

  1. Pilot training: Cali From Above has already trained numerous pilots at customer sites in numerous states, as well as providing virtual training for overseas clients.
  2. Trainees are from fire and police departments, homeland security, as well as industrial and commercial users.
  3. Drone pilot service contracts for supervising construction sites, regular inspections of solar panel and wind turbine power generators, survey contracts for inventory, safety, and orderly operation of large industrial, agricultural facilities or sites of all kinds.
  4. Drone sales: Cali From Above is an approved drone seller, offering a wide range of drone brands, models, and accessories.
  5. Special purpose drones designed to do much more than take pictures or videos:
    Medical supplies and package delivery
    Loudspeakers and spotlights
    Patrol border crossings and shipping ports using the aerial detection of US Nuclear’s chemical, biological, and radiation sensors
    Drone packages start at around $20,000
  6. Production of advertising content for realtors, home repair, builders, country clubs, and tour guides, to name a few.

Talking about the markets for drones and drone-related services, Bob Goldstein (CEO, Cali From Above) said: “It is estimated that there are 1.5 billion cars in the world and over 3 billion qualified drivers. My expectation is the number of drones and drone pilots will exceed the number of cars by 2030. Drones and UAVs are a fast-growing business and US Nuclear aims to ride that wave forward.  In the past, USN has designed and manufactured most of the products it sells. However, that strategy can be a trap in this fast-changing and expanding world of drone designs and capabilities. For this reason, we have chosen a multifaceted business model, acting as drone dealers, pilots, and pilot trainers, this way we can stay agile and do very well.”


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