You might not be surprised knowing that out of the 30 most polluted cities of the world, 21 belong to India. As 51% of the air pollution source is industrial stack emissions, this demands an urgent need of regulating the parameters of stack emissions thrown by industries into the open air. So, in this article, you’ll know about the process of stack monitoring, i.e. how it’s done, and why it’s important. And if you are also looking for a continuous online emission monitoring system, then we’ll also introduce our emission monitoring system – The Sustainability Cloud. What is a stack? Defining the term stack, the “Long Height Chimneys” in industries are usually referred to as “stacks”. They are designed to emit or diffuse hot gases and pollutants at a safe height so that it doesn’t harm the surrounding area nearby the industries. They are usually installed on Boilers, Furnaces and other Flues. What is Stack Monitoring? Stack Monitoring is the process of monitoring the emi...