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US NUCLEAR CORP’S strategic partnership with Magneto-Inertial Fusion Technologies, Inc. (MIFTI). MIFTI is in the late stages of the development of fusion power.

Nuclear power utilizing (fusion) energy is one of the most promising and safe sources for an unlimited timeframe and extremely economical fuel costs. For example, one gallon of seawater can produce energy approximately equal to 300 gallons of gasoline energy. With minimal reduced radioactive waste and limited impact on the environment, fusion energy generators will provide the ever-growing electricity requirements the global community demands.

New energy demands currently coming from NASA and the new US Space Force are looking for a clean, high powered, compact, safe, energy source for spacecraft propulsion, and for establishing operations on the Moon and colonizing Mars.

Most conventional energy sources such as fossil fuels will not burn and are not useful in space exploration and development. Nuclear power is the current energy of choice but nuclear fission is not safe and produces waste. Solar cells do not generate adequate power. This leaves Fusion Energy as the most desirable energy source. The fusion process is the energy that powers the sun. It is safe and fusion power utilizing the hydrogen from water is not subject to runaway meltdown like fission nuclear reactors and generates minimal waste.

Concurrently, US Nuclear Corp’s strategic partnership with MIFTI includes cooperation and coordination with MIFTEC, a division of MIFTI posed to produce medical isotopes through fusion power instead of the risky fission power currently utilized. Medical Isotopes are a global crisis. This process will produce scanning isotopes at a fraction of the cost and production time.

US NUCLEAR CORP’S strategic partnership with MIFTEC provides exclusive manufacturing and sales rights for the medical isotope generators in North America and Asia.


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