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Aerial Radiation Detection

In this time of multiple threats to our security: dirty bomb; cyber; shooters in public places; homemade bombs; misinformation; etc. we feel extremely vulnerable; perhaps more vulnerable than ever before.
Arial Radiation Detection

With the advent of Drone technology now available to private citizens, the technology previously only held by the military, the opportunity has come to merge Drone Technology with aerial sensors. UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) mounted aerial sensors are typically: thermal, radar, camera, and surveillance, to monitor the environment for threats and for filming, now airborne radiation and chemical threats can be detected.
The DroneSensor systems. Radiation detection instruments mounted on the DroneRAD and the DroneCHEM for aerial radiation and chemical detection, surveillance, and locating. Technical Associates, a division of US Nuclear Corp, provides sensors for both airborne radiation and for the search and locating of radioactive materials: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Neutron. Gas filter sample collection for chlorine, biological particulates, and aerosols such as anthrax and nerve gas is also available via the DroneRAD.
Technical Associates with partner FlyCam UAV provide the DroneSensor Detector System: Rugged, all-weather, heavy lift UAVs with controllers and hardshell case, radiation, chemical with real-time wireless data download and bacterial samplers; the software and readout technology and ground station; and optional flight and software training.
Nuclear radiation sensor instrumentation suitable for Drone application is new to the market place. The DroneSensor System has a widely diverse application and includes conducting Gamma and/or Neutron Radiation Surveys of the ground, buildings, and vehicles, Uranium Surveys of landfills and K-40; Background Radiation Surveys for construction and development, and Airborne Hazards with the DroneRAD and surveillance of gas and oil pipelines for leaks of hazardous gases with the DroneCHEM.
TheDroneSensor system is versatile and has an approximate launch time of five minutes.


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