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Showing posts from 2019

Chemical Pollution In Our Air And Water

US Nuclear Joins Fight Against Widespread Toxic PFAS New data shows toxic PFAS contamination has been detected in almost every major city in the USA .  While the EPA works on setting new regulations for PFAS, some states and members of congress have grown impatient with the progress of the EPA and have taken regulation into their own hands.  Los Angeles, CA. November 5, 2019 – PFAS, poly-and perfluroroalkyl substances, are also known as “forever chemicals” because they don’t break down in the environment.  Since these toxic chemicals don’t break down, they move through our food and water supply and eventually build up in our bodies over time.   Due of the widespread, unregulated use of PFAS over the past several decades, nearly every American is now contaminated with PFAS, which can remain in the body for years and cause cancer, reproductive issues, and damage to the immune system, kidneys, and liver, among other concerns. Known for their CBRN (chemical, bio...

Aerial Radiation Detection

In this time of multiple threats to our security:  dirty bomb; cyber; shooters in public places; homemade bombs; misinformation; etc. we feel extremely vulnerable; perhaps more vulnerable than ever before. Arial Radiation Detection With the advent of Drone technology now available to private citizens, the technology previously only held by the military, the opportunity has come to merge Drone Technology with aerial sensors. UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) mounted aerial sensors are typically: thermal, radar, camera, and surveillance, to monitor the environment for threats and for filming, now airborne radiation and chemical threats can be detected. The DroneSensor systems . Radiation detection instruments mounted on the DroneRAD and the DroneCHEM for aerial radiation and chemical detection, surveillance, and locating.  Technical Associates , a division of  US Nuclear Corp , provides sensors for both airborne radiation and for the search and locating of radi...


Good News for Cancer and Heart Disease Patients US Nuclear Partner Achieves Critical Milestone Proving New Way to Fill Multi-Billion/Year Shortage of Radioisotopes for Diagnostics and Treatments. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine warns about severe shortages of radioisotopes that are required to non-invasively diagnose heart disease, cancer, other health issues, and to treat over half of all cancers.  Radioisotopes are largely made in only 5 outdated and unreliable nuclear fission reactors that are all located outside the United States. Supply chain effects not yet known as major radioisotope supplier, NRU Chalk River Reactor, was permanently shuttered a few months ago and is now being demolished US Nuclear and their partner MIFTEC Laboratories, have developed a revolutionary new way to produce large quantities of radioisotopes at about half the cost of today’s outdated and unreliable methods. Critical “1010” milestone toward produ...


Since 9/11 and there are still holes in the security of the nation’s infrastructure, particularly for drinking water.   This security deficit is currently being addressed in some community water systems with water monitoring instruments. Detecting Radiation in drinking water In the 90s the EPA developed a wish list for monitoring contaminants in drinking water.   Since that time biological and chemical contaminants have been identified and monitoring sensors developed. Radiological contaminants were also on the EPA list for detection but until now real-time continuous monitoring has eluded water quality professionals. Typically testing for radiation in drinking water was performed every one to three years with sample water extracted from the source and sent into a lab for evaluation. This has been a lengthy process with significant lag time between the sample extraction and evaluation test results.   If there should be a contamination event such as ille...


Oakland and Downey, California Demos US Nuclear Corp and UAV partner FlyCam UAV were invited to participate in two demonstrations for their UAV mounted Radiation Detection system , the DroneRAD . The DroneRAD On January 30, 2019, the BAYEX 2019 took place in the Oakland Coliseum in Oakland, California. The objective of the exercise was to coordinate with multiple agencies in the Bay Area for response to an attack on mass transit by a CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) event and improve interagency cooperation. This included integration of the WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) Coordinator into the ICS (Incident Command System) structure of the response to such an attack. Several scenarios were designed to elicit a response from multiple first responders, both state and local: Police, Fire, Civil Defense, HazMat, Bomb Squad, and US Nuclear Corp/FlyCam UAV’s aerial reconnaissance for detection of radiation contamination of unknown source and location...